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Care Sheets
Isopod Care

How not to kill your isopods
Isopods are tough bois, but not invincible. They need three things to live:
Somewhere to Hide
Isopod Care Sheets
For a more in depth look into isopod care, I have created this care sheet.
By "sheet" I mean small book.
Isopod Maintenance
A healthy isopod is a happy isopod. To keep isopods healthy you will need a few things:
Food- They eat the leaves we rake from the fall
Water- I use water from a spray bottle, they think its raining
Someplace to hide- Egg crates are like little houses
Bonus food- They love fish flakes and vegetables
Clean living- When there's too much poop, take it out
Temperature- Don't burn them out and don't freeze them

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