Calcium blocks
Options are NET WEIGHT
Contains Calcium carbonate, Calcium sulfate, may contain beet, spirulina, butterfly pea flower, acai berry, hibiscus.
Calcium blocks are made from safe, nontoxic ingredients and an excellent enrichment for isopods. Armadillidium, Porcellio laevis, giant isopods in particular benefit from added Calcium, but all species take as needed.
Please note that this is a handmade item from molds, and may have breaks and imperfections.
Unflavored blocks have no organic components and will not decay. Flavored options do have some organic components, and may mold if not eaten after a period of time. Please be assured that the mold is harmless to isopods, but you can certainly remove moldy items if you are concerned.
Calcium blocks are also an excellent source of calcium for other invertebrates like roaches, snails and millipedes! Please note that it is not recommended to offer flavored options to snails.
Flavor mix includes all available flavors.